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What factors can impact custody court decisions in Arkansas?

On Behalf of | Nov 23, 2023 | Child Custody

Discussing child custody matters can be a source of conflict between the involved parents. They can have contradicting opinions on how to raise their child, potentially causing disputes. When emotions run high, and the parents cannot meet halfway, they could take methods to settle their issues. If none of their options work and they still cannot agree, the court can interfere and decide for them.

However, parents might not have control over child custody arrangements in court. In these situations, a judge can step in, review the case details and finalize decisions, considering factors that can impact the child’s welfare. These considerations can include the following:

  • Each parent’s ability to provide affection and care for the child
  • The parent’s character, including their morals, attitude, reputation and ability to hold down a stable job
  • Each parent’s home, whether it is a safe and nurturing environment for the child
  • Each parent’s financial capabilities to provide the child’s needs, including food, clothing and health care
  • The possibility of keeping siblings together if the case involve multiple children
  • The child’s wishes if they are mature enough to express their preferences reasonably
  • Other factors affecting the child’s welfare, such as incidents of domestic violence or abuse

A judge could order additional evaluations or assessments to collect information concerning these factors.

Knowing what to prioritize

When making child custody arrangements in court, a judge is responsible for the child. They must ensure their decision upholds the child’s best interests. Sometimes, parents can feel unhappy about the outcome of these cases. Still, a judge will only finalize a decision if it has a firm basis, prioritizing the child’s welfare.

