When your Arkansas marriage comes to an end, you may have concerns about how you might support yourself without your ex around to help. On the flip side, you may have concerns about potentially having to continue to support your former spouse once your relationship runs its course. Regardless of what side of the equation you fall on, you should expect the court system to consider similar factors when determining whether to make any alimony arrangements during divorce proceedings.
Just what types of factors typically come into play when making alimony determinations?
Primary deciding factors
Ultimately, the court’s decision as to whether to grant you, or conversely, your ex, alimony when your divorce finalizes is going to depend on two main factors. The first is whether either party involved in the divorce truly needs the support of the other, and the second involves the prospective paying spouse’s ability to pay support. There are also a number of secondary factors that frequently come into play in alimony cases.
Secondary deciding factors
Arkansas courts may consider a wide number of additional factors when making alimony-related decisions during divorce proceedings. The court may look at the standard of living enjoyed by both parties during the course of the marriage, for example. It may, too, take into account the potential earning capacity and employability of each party involved in the divorce as well before making any determinations. In some instances, the physical and mental health of each party may also have a hand in alimony decisions, and so, too, might the length of the marriage, itself.
Every divorce case is different, so factors that may result in one divorcing party receiving alimony may not do the same in the next case. Ultimately, the specifics of your situation and the factors outlined above are going to determine whether you are going to receive, or whether you are going to have to pay, alimony when your divorce becomes final.